Donate to The Ike Foundation

Mike & Becky Ianconelli

The Ike Foundation is approved by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization, and all donations are tax-deductible to the extent provided by law. Please consult your tax adviser.

With a $100.00 Donation you can equip a child with all they need to go fishing by giving them an Ike Dude Rod & Reel and a Flambeau Tacklebox filled with enough tackle, hooks, etc.

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Other Ways to Donate

You can make a monetary donation using these other platforms below. Your contribution will go towards helping us help kids get out into the outdoors and into the sport of fishing!

PayPal QR-code

The Ike Foundation PayPal QRcode

Venmo QR-code

Donate to the Ike Foundation on Venmo

Monetary Donation by Mail

You can also make monetary donations by mail, please send all checks to:

The Ike Foundation
PO Box 818
Elmer, NJ 08318

Facebook Donations

Dontate on Facebook | The Ike Foundation